Site owners´contact iformation and photos of the scenery on the south side of Jerisjärvi

Oja Hannele phone: +35840 7755031 and Oja Timo phone: +35850 9110017            

Maisema_2.jpg (117489 tavu(a))  


Building block # and site #

site size in m²

Building volume in m²

Outbuildings, size in m²

RA 28 : 1 4130 80 25
RA 28 : 2 2820 80 25
RA 28 : 3 3000 80 25
RA 28 : 4 3360 80 25
RA 28 : 5 2690 80 25
RA 28 : 6 3390 80 25
RA    8:3 Not for sale
RA    8:4 Not for sale

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